July 26, 2023 / 8 Menachem-Av, 5783 • Parshat Va'etchanan
Issue 779
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

You shall observe the commandments, rules, and ordinances that I command you today. 

Deut. 7:11

One of the hallmarks of spiritual maturity is valuing every opportunity to do good.

Each of us has much spiritual work to do in order to bring the world, both the world in general and our private world, to its ultimate perfection.

This being the case, we should be overcome with eagerness to accomplish whatever we can at the earliest opportunity ("today") in order to reach the goal of perfecting the world.

Thus, spiritually minded people do not put for tomorrow what they can accomplish today.

May these days be transformed into days of joy and gladness.