July 25, 2024 / 19 Tammuz 5784 • 19 Tammuz 5784
Issue 831
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

G-d instructed Moses regarding the twice-daily and holiday communal sacrifices that were to be regularly offered up in the Tabernacle...

You must offer up the second lamb in the afternoon. You must offer it up with the same grain-offering and libation as in the morning, as a fire-offering pleasing to G-d.

Numbers 28:8

The Maggid of Mezeritch interpreted the final phrase of this verse as follows:

When a person serves G-d – either through prayer, studying the Torah, or performing some commandment – with “a fire offering,” i.e., with warmth and enthusiasm, it is “pleasing to G-d.”

--Daily Wisdom Volume 3