June 29, 2023 / 10 Tammuz, 5783 • Influential Women
Issue 775
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

Molding the Family

Balak takes Balaam to a place he thought would be conducive to cursing the Jews. But G-d forced Balaam to praise and bless the Jews rather than curse them. Balaam said:

For from the beginning, I see them as mountain peaks, and I behold them as hills. Behold a people that will dwell alone, not reckoned among the nations. 

Numbers 23:9

Allegorically, the "mountain peaks" refer to the patriarchs, while the "hills" refer to the matriarchs.

The contribution of both parents are essential in creating the ideal home and in raising healthy children, but the wife and mother's contributions are more determinative. Women innately posses far greater power to influence their families' orientation in life and mold their families' behavior than do men.

In fact, when necessary, women can (and should) influence their husbands' desires and mold their behavior, realigning them with G-d's will if they become distracted from it.

This is why the Torah describes the patriarchs as "mountain peaks," which are further removed from ground level, and the matriarchs as "hills," which are closer to ground level, i.e., more influential on the home.

G-d therefore wants women to be both aware of their innate power and inspired to make proper use of it.

This will enable us to become a "people that will dwell alone," uninfluenced by the empty values of materialism but, instead, loyal to G-d and energized by our mission to make the world into His home.

—from Daily Wisdom 3, P. 325