May 4, 2023 / 13 Iyar, 5783 • Parshat Emor
Issue 767
Dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Miriam Friedman

You must not desecrate My holy Name that I may be sanctified among the Israelites; I am G-d, who sanctifies you. 

Leviticus 22:32

The Hebrew idiom for martyrdom – “sanctifying G-d’s Name” – means “increasing respect for G-d among humanity,” since our willingness to accept martyrdom demonstrates to the world that G-d and His plan for humanity are our paramount values. The opposite of sanctifying G-d's name is termed: “desecrating G-d’s Name.”

The words for “you must not desecrate” (ולא תחללו) also mean “you must not make a gap.”

By virtue of our Divine souls, we are all innately and continuously united with G-d. However, the materiality of life in the physical world can at times make us apathetic or antagonistic to this connection, causing us to feel estranged from G-d. We must therefore make efforts not to allow such a gap to develop.

Time taken to foster and maintain our connection to G-d is indeed time well spent, from which we reap the continuous benefits of feeling energized and living an inspired life, motivated by devotion to our Divine mission to transform the world into G-d’s true home.

—from Daily Wisdom 3